Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 30 and 31

It's still so very hot here in Utah. It's been in the upper 90's for the last few weeks and sometimes it's just unbearable. But hey, I sacrificed a little and spent a few minutes outside in the heat, in my suit, just to give my 3 readers these pictures. Enjoy!
This is Charles Savage. Don't ask me who he is. There's a statue of him on Temple Square. Does anyone know why?

Conference Center

Monday, August 29, 2011

Temple Square August 29

These touchscreen stations are placed all over Temple Square and they are so very cool. You can get a tour of Temple Square within Temple Square. It's like a dream within a dream!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Temple Square August 27 and 28

Saturday and Sunday were Temple Square date nights. Well, it was more of an extended family date night. The sis-in-laws and kids were in town and we got to go visit the square on Saturday and Sunday. We had such a good time there. What an incredible place. It's a different experience when you go there as a tourist. I spent about a half an hour listening to the Apostles' testimonies of Christ in the North Visitors Center. I am so very grateful for those men and their inspired leadership. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Temple Square August 21 and 22

Here are my photos for yesterday (Sunday) and today. One is of the main lobby of the JSMB. The other shows a quick view of the constant summer wedding chaos around Temple Square. It's neat to see all these weddings, but I'm ready for rain and snow to come and shoo most of these people away. They get in the way of my pictures.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Temple Square August 18

Christmas in August! These guys were working on the Christmas lights and making sure they were all working. Now that's what I call preparation.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Temple Square August 16

I enjoy sitting here and eating my lunch sometimes. It's very relaxing.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Temple Square August 13

D&C 88:6-9

He that aascended up on high, as also he bdescended below all things, in that he ccomprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the dlight of truth;
 Which truth shineth. This is the alight of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was bmade.
 As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made;
 As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made;

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Temple Square August 11

Here is one of the several statues at temple square. They're so beautiful.

Diapers, iPod and chocolate cake

People tell you that parenthood is a crazy thing; that life as you know it will completely change; that from sunrise to sunset you are no longer in control. Although I felt I was as ready as one could be, especially with my extensive 31 years of preparation for this moment, I didn't really know that every single aspect of my existence would be controlled by a 7-pound, chubby-cheeked insomniac. Granted, I do love her even more than a pistachio covered chocolate profiterole next to a succulent Crepe Suzette; that may be the reason either one of us is still in that house. But there's absolutely no college course, no interplanetary internship or even heavenly visitation that could truly prepare you for the change. It's like carefully planning to be broad sided. Just not very effective.

So much has changed overnight in my perspective, actions, priorities and even lifestyle. For example, my paradoxical appreciation and complete disgust for diapers has increased one hundred fold. I could even write a complete novel about my love-hate relationship with that plastic based miracle. I love its endurance and almost certain reliability. But the contents of the package are continually evolving into more than what I would ever want to handle. Some of you may say: "Oh, just wait until she's a toddler. You ain't seen nothing yet, buddy." I'll just take my time and slowly ease into the more awful stage of this whole process.

Sometimes I wonder what is really happening to the Mrs. and I. Last week we went to the grocery store and bought a calorie-filled, preservative based, prepackaged chocolate cake. This is the very first time we have ever done something so absurd. This is very much not like us. Have we no self control anymore? Or is this just a nonsensical knee jerk reaction to sleep deprivation?

Our newly bought iPod Classic, which actually blasted Rhapsody in Blue when the little one was introduced to planet earth, has played nothing but a consistent hum I purchased for 99 cents called "Brown Noise for Babies". So much for storing our eclectic 40 GB collection of tunes.

It sounds like I'm griping, doesn't it? It's far from what I'm trying to do. I would give up iPods, iPads, clean shirts, desserts or precious REM hours of sleep, as long as I got to meet that beautiful little dark haired princess. I've embraced the change, conformed to mayhem and loved every minute of it. Thanks Livy for turning my world upside down. It's a much better world this way.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Temple Square August 10

I was feeling a little uninspired today, so the creativity juices just weren't flowing. I usually enjoy using my photo lens for my Temple Square shots. It just lets me be a little more daring with the angles and style. But today I grabbed my 18-55mm instead. That choice, coupled with the blahness of the day generated this more than flat picture. But hey, it's another Temple Square shot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Temple Square August 9

This is a little hidden, but a really nice place. I need to eat there some time.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Temple Square August 8

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I couldn't be happier.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Temple Square August 7

Here's my picture for today. The work that goes into making the gardens at Temple Square so beautiful is really impressive. Lots of people working there to make it so wonderful.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Temple Square picture August 5

First real picture of the series. Enjoy!

Daily Temple Square picture

Now that I work downtown right in the heart of Salt Lake City (more to come on that), I get to walk through the most beautiful place in town, Temple Square. I decided I'll try to take a picture a day of this unbelievable place. Some pictures will be taken from my phone and some from my SLR. For those days that I'm either not at work it forgot my camera, I will pull a picture from my extra stash (I'll take extras every day). I think this can be fun.