Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm finally done.

No more accounting homework, late nights reading cases, Saturday mornings spent with non-functioning study groups, "Christmas breaks", discounted textbooks, heavy overloaded backpacks, 4-hour long marketing engineering lectures, guest speakers, finals, team building classes, obnoxiously long papers, Texas Instruments calculators, taking notes on my laptop (aka, Facebook surfing), awkward team management role plays, unacceptably high tuition fees, outrageously expensive unused textbooks, unimportant student comments at 9:58 pm when all I want to do is go home, and the list goes on.

At the end of excruciatingly painful 2 years of hardcore intensive education overdose, I'm $40,000 poorer and maybe 6 months wiser. Thanks University of Utah for my MBA diploma.

I can't wait to get my PhD!


  1. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations on getting your life back!!! :)
    We are super proud of you. Good job Fer!!!

  2. Congratulations!!! We are so proud of you! An MBA is an AMAZING accomplishment. Woo-hoo!!!!!!

  3. Bem, Fernando, mesmo tendo sido tao dificil voce merece um grande abraco e parabens pela sua formatura!!!! Fico muito orgulhosa de voce!! O maximo que eu consegui foi assistir 1 mes de aulas de pos-graduacao, mas tive que parar porque alem do dinheiro nao dar, fiquei gravida da Ferr e estava vomitando as tripas!! Aqui vao duas frase marcantes pra vc refletir:
    -Faca como o Dunga, NAO USE CRAQUE!!
    -MIsturei Activia com JOhnnie Walker e estou cagando e andando!!!
    Da sua irma doidinha, Lu

    -Faca como o Dunga

  4. Good job! Isn't it nice to have that over with? Hey, we tried to call you a couple of times but I must have the wrong number or something... :(

  5. Congratulations! You are awesome and I always knew you would go far. Keep up the good work.
