Sunday, March 1, 2009

First trip

Ok. First, for those of you who don't speak Portuguese, let me translate the name of the blog. Viajante means traveler. It could also mean daydreamer. Traveling is my favorite thing to do. We save our money mainly to go on fun trips. We haven't gone to too many places together so far (well, I haven't -- My wife has been to quite a few places). So hopefully I'll keep traveling, taking my pretty girl with me and posting my experiences here. Fun, right? At least for me it is.

I travel a lot in my head too. So I'll share with you some of my crazy trips and some of my absurd opinions. It's my blog, right? So before the Fairness Doctrine stops bloggers from speaking their mind and puts a duck tape over my mouth, or ties up my pretty little fingers, I'll use this space to tell you what I think.


1 comment:

  1. Take your "pretty girl" with you. ha ha! you crack me up!! (and it is VERY true. Candace is soooooo beautiful!!)
