Sunday, April 11, 2010

Best pasta in the world

This recipe is probably the most incredible pasta I've ever had in my life. This is a creation by my culinary genius brother Daniel. Not all ingredients are available here in the US, but you can be creative and still get a very similar taste. I have videos of this with more specific info. If you're really interested in making this, let me know and I'll get you the exact measurements. This would feed 4 Fernandos, or 6 normal people. Hope this makes you as hungry as it's making me right now.
Here are the ingredients:
- 1 box of linguini pasta
- 2 small cans tomato paste
- 2 cubes of bacon bullion (if you can't find it, use some bacon grease)
- 2 small onions
- Ground beef (I don't know how much, but as much meat as you want)
- 5-7 roma tomatoes, seeded
- 1 can table cream (find it in the Mexican food isle)
- Requeijao (Brazilian cream cheese) - maybe replace it with some cream cheese
- Garlic
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Butter
- Parmesan cheese

Boil the water with some olive oil and salt
Add the pasta and cook it until al dente

Dice the onions

Melt some butter and add some olive oil to it

Add the onion to the oil and butter and cook it until yellow

Add the garlic to the onion

Start working on the tomatoes.

Cut them in 4s and then dice them small.

Add the ground beef to the onions and garlic.

Brown the ground beef with the lid closed for about 10 minutes or so. Make sure it doesn't burn.

Cut the bacon bullion into small pieces.

Add the bullion to the cooking meat.

Your meat should start looking like this after about 10 minutes.

Add the tomato paste to the cooked meat.

Add a couple of cans (tomato paste can) of water and keep boiling

Add the diced tomatoes to the mixture.

Let it boil for about 10 or 20 minutes (I can't remember exactly...)

After a little bit, add the tomato sauce (about 1 can of regular tomato sauce)

Add about half a cup of requeijao

The sauce should start looking like this.

Turn it off and add the can of table cream.

Add the sauce on top of the pasta and grate some cheese on top of it.

Enjoy it with some Guarana and eat until you pass out.


  1. "eat until you pass out"--that made me laugh!!

    Very nice step by step instructions!! I would have done it totally wrong had I not seen the pictures.......seriously!!! (I was thinking you would brown the beef BEFORE you put it with everything--WRONG!!)

    When I can eat food again, THIS will be the frist thing I try...........or you guys can just come out here and make it for me. :)

  2. Your step by step pictures are great - especially that last one. Where do I buy a bearded Brazilian to eat the food and make that face? Would I find one in the Mexican food aisle too?

    Seriously though, this food looks really good. Craig and I love pasta, so we'll have to try it.

  3. Gostei do passo-a-passo com fotos.Massa.Nossa o molho parece delicioso mas compensacao muuuito calorico hehehhe.Mas vale a pena .

  4. Essa ideia do creme de leite com o molho vermelho eh originalmente minha, mas eu empresto pro Daniel!!

  5. You need to add your pork chop recipe next!!! Me and Lindz still laugh at that. We miss you guys.
