Thursday, April 1, 2010


So last week I got to go home and spend some time with the family. I had a wonderful time seeing everyone and meeting family members I had never met before. The food was glorious. I absolutely loved the amazing gluttonous moments I had there. My next post will be my brother's unbelievable pasta recipe. Stay tuned.

The most wonderful part of the trip was my Saturday night conversation with my dad about our family history. It was amazing to learn so much about my heritage. My father's been finding lots of names and people and it's just awesome. He gave me a huge binder with a lot of information about our family history. I have about 100 names ready to go to the temple. I am so happy. I even have pictures my dad found that are amazing. Here's a picture of my grandfather's great grandfather, Manoel Camilo. Old old old picture. I've done a little bit of photoshop work on it to clean it up.

I've added here just a few pictures of my time down there. Enjoy!
My beautiful niece Clara

Cousin Manuela

Nephew Rafael showing me how strong he is.

Mom and sister-in-law Cris


Potira, my best friend in high school. Or I should say Dr. Potira (she's finishing her PhD!)

Cousin Sophia

At Capital Steakhouse

Avocado popsicle. Yum!!

Sister Luciana and nephew Bernardo

Niece Fernanda, nephew Nicholas and cousin Joao

My beautiful niece Fernandinha

My nephews Bernardo and Nicholas

My beautiful niece Barbara

Part of the family at pizza place

Old friends from school

The most incredible pasta ever made. Thanks Daniel.

Mom and dad at church.

Lunch made by Tia Inez. Thank you!

Brother Daniel, his wife Cris, and kids Rafael and Clara.

Mom and Dad.


  1. Nice pictures!!! The babies in this family are the cutest. I love this family!!!

  2. Why oh why did I have to read that you were eating an Avocado popsicle?!!! That is just NASTY!!! I will pretend it is a normal LIME popsicle. :) (good! now I will not throw up!)

    Very cool that you are getting into your family history. I REALLY need to do better at that. :(
    (you should have done a photosho smile on their faces. ha ha)

    Very cool you got to go!!! (I admit, I miss seeing Candace by your side in each picture.)

  3. Looks like you had fun! Thanks for the treats. Avery LOVES them.

  4. Andre UR, the avocado popsicle is amazing. Remember, it's a fruit!! It's sweet. Mexicans just decided to add salt instead. Brazilians added sugar and made it amazing!

    And yes, I missed having Candace with me too. Very sad.

    Andrea Miller, I'm glad Avery loves the treats! I know her dad loves it.

  5. Nossa Fernando as suas fotos estao perfeitas.E a maneira como voce fez o post tambem.Simples mas muito bacana .Amei.

  6. Nando, you're rockin that beard! And I loved looking at those pictures. Makes me want to go to Brazil some time... preferably with you and Candace so that I have somebody to tell me what's going on!

  7. Concordo com a Paula, as fotos estao lindas! A ultima foto ficou demais!

  8. I love the beard too!
    Great pictures of your family. So awesome that you got to go visit them!

  9. Faltaram mais fotos da minha grande familia, mas, ficou bacaninha, ihihihi, sacanagem...

  10. Nao foi por maudade nao. Foi esquecimento mesmo. Eu peguei fotos rapidinho e coloquei no site sem ver quais que eu esqueci de colocar. Vou adicionar as fotos dos meninos. Tenho uma foto linda minha e da Ferr.
