Friday, April 10, 2009

Next time you're in NYC

When you're in New York City, how about a free great show? You can watch the Blue Man Group show absolutely free! All you have to do is volunteer to be an usher. My wife and I went to the theater in the afternoon and asked them if we could volunteer to usher and get in for free. They asked us to come back around 7pm (for the 8pm show) and help them seat people. Then after the show we would have to help them "clean", which meant picking up programs from the seats. The show was incredibly entertaining and absolutely free ($160 savings). Of course this is on a first-come, first-serve basis. So I definitely recommend showing up earlier and giving them your name so you have a better chance of getting in.
Here's a map to the theater.


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1 comment:

  1. wow! I didn't know that!! I have gone to a broadway play RIGHT when it started and got to take some front row seats that someone didn't show up for. It was NICE!!!
    That blue man picture is kinda freaky if you ask me. ha ha!
